Promotionsvortrag Physik: „Near Petahertz Femtosecond Fieldoscopy“

Datum: 7. Februar 2025Zeit: 10:00 – 11:30Ort: Leuchs-Russell-Auditorium, MPI, Staudtstr. 2, Erlangen

Ankündigung des Promotionsvortrags von: Herrn Anchit Srivastava

Significant advancements in short-pulse generation have propelled the evolution of terahertz and mid-infrared field sampling techniques over the past decades. The ability to generate high-peak-power, few-cycle femtosecond pulses has now extended direct electric field sampling to near-petahertz frequencies. While such measurements were previously confined to vacuum-based methods like attosecond streaking, recent breakthroughs have enabled direct field detection in ambient air. This has opened new possibilities for high-precision spectroscopy and metrology, offering unprecedented insights into material composition and molecular interactions.

Field-resolved spectroscopy has primarily been limited to gas-phase studies in the mid-to-long-wave infrared region. However, the near-infrared (NIR) range holds great potential for biological applications due to its sensitivity to molecular vibrations, superior spatial resolution, and reduced water absorption. In this talk, I introduce Fieldoscopy, a novel field-resolved spectroscopy tech-nique that bridges the technological gap in NIR spectroscopy. Using coherent excitation and elec-tro-optic sampling, Fieldoscopy enables high-sensitivity detection of molecular responses. A proof-of-concept study on aqueous samples demonstrates the first field-sensitive detection of water-ethanol combination bands, expanding the potential for biological spectro-microscopy with en-hanced sensitivity and temporal resolution.

(Vortrag auf Englisch)

Dem Vortrag schließt sich eine Diskussion von 15 Minuten an. Vortrag und Diskussion sind öffentlich. Diesen Verfahrensteilen folgt ein nicht öffentliches Rigorosum von 45 Minuten.

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7. Februar 2025
10:00 – 11:30

Leuchs-Russell-Auditorium, MPI, Staudtstr. 2, Erlangen

PhD talks